21. This Monking Life (Friends in High Places)

Lovejoy and his lascivious face is back and so are we, with the first episode of SERIES THREE (how?!)

And what an episode - it really has everything: a fantastic score, some Serious Peril, Eric in not just one but TWO hats, JOANNA FLIPPIN LUMLEY, the plight of the indigenous people of Peru, a new haircut, an excellent suit, Slough Grammar and Tinker in a monkery.

Plus a chance for Helen to exercise her language skills, for Polly to show off her capital city knowledge and Em to shoehorn in her latest crush on Arnold J. Rimmer before we descend into typical hen do buffoonery during a discussion on ceremonial monk checks. Duos habet et bene pendentes!

The original Lovejoy episode was written by Jeremy Paul and directed by Sarah Hellings.

Antique of the Week: Ralph Richardson's knees.