29. Archaelogising (Smoke Your Nose)

It’s finally here! Polly’s favourite episode!

A lovely church, a vicar who is not Ian McKellen and a mysterious object this week as Lovejoy has a run in with the county archaelogist (which is apparently a job) and dodgy Derek Rudge (a notorious low flier.) Plus another dog using a priceless item for its own ends (please note we are NOT blaming the dog.)

We discuss Eric’s professional development, argue about what exactly constitutes a ‘malted milk’ whilst remembering what we wanted to do at school - and what school told us to do - Em's crush on David Duchovny (don't tell Eric) and a very, very spooky song. Helen’s knowledge of lyrics remains unsurpassed, along with her ability to still write a cheque.

Antique of the Week: Grandfather clocks (unhaunted.)

The original Lovejoy episode was written by Terry Hodgkinson and directed by Baz Taylor (dream team.)